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We are the first Australian band devoted to celebrating the music of South American rock legends Soda Stereo and Gustavo Cerati.

Since 2017, our energy-packed performances, and detailed renditions of Latin Rock music, has allowed us to perform in the most renowned Latin American events in Melbourne, such as “Sudamerican Rockers”, the “Melbourne Vida Summer Festival”, the  “Frankston Ventana Festival” and popular Melbourne music venues such as the Bendigo Hotel, Mr Boogie Man Bar, Whole Lotta Love, among others.

2021 finds us interpreting Soda Stereo hits in Spanish and English as a way of introducing this great band legacy to the wider local audience.

Southland Latin Rock are:

Pablo Barroero (electric guitar, lead vocals, programming)

Patricia Rosemberg (drums)

Juan Cabaleiro (bass guitar/backing vocals)

About: About
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